We provide students with a specialised Performing Arts program that includes Music, Dance and Drama.
In Music students explore beat, rhythm, pitch and dynamics with instruments, voice and body percussion. Students sing and respond to music as a class. Students engage in music theory and as they build their knowledge, create compositions of their own.
In Drama we explore character and storytelling through improvised and scripted activities. Students learn and implement performance techniques when they perform to an audience. Students love to write and direct their own performances once they have grasped the knowledge and skills needed. We also explore puppetry as a storytelling medium.
In Dance, students learn the elements needed to build an engaging and entertaining movement sequence and create dances with others to present to the class. Students explore dances from around the world and develop the language to communicate their purposes and cultural importance.
There is a strong commitment towards excellence in all areas of Performing Arts.
In fourth term our Performing Arts focus is to create, rehearse and polish a performance for the End of Year Celebration, as a culmination of the year’s learning. This concert is a highly regarded school community event.
The following co-curricula opportunities are provided for students with interests and talents in The Performing Arts.
Junior Choir
The Groovers and Shakers’ is held for students in Years 3, 4 and 5. The focus is on fun, energy, entertainment, presentation and commitment to the group.
Senior Choir
During terms 1, 2 and 3, the Senior Choir directs its energy to preparing for the Festival of Music held in August / September when this hard working and committed group of Year 5 and 6 students have the opportunity to perform at the Festival Theatre. Students can audition to sing solo for the school choir and/or the dance troupe and this may lead to students performing in the Festival of Music concert.
Instrumental Lessons
Students in Years 3 to 6 may learn an orchestral string instrument through the DfE program based at Edwardstown Primary School. Tuition is free and the only cost is the hire of instruments and music books.